SJTU神经康复工程实验室 English Version


发表论文 (经同行评议)

Evaluation of Functional Correlation of Task-Specific Muscle Synergies with Motor Performance in Patients post Stroke
Si Li, Cheng Zhuang, Chuanxin M. Niu, Yong Bao, Qing Xie and Ning Lan
Frontiers in Neurology (Accepted) 2017 [doi]
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Inhibition of Parkinsonian Tremor with Cutaneous Afferent Evoked by Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
Man-Zhao Hao,Shao-Qin Xu, Zi-Xiang Hu,Fu-Liang Xu, Chuanxin M. Niu, Qin Xiao and Ning Lan
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation (Accepted) 2017 [doi]
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Development of A Network-Based Multi-Channel NMES System for Stroke Rehabilitation
H.E. Qu, Y.J. Xie, X.X. Liu, X. He, M.Z. Hao, Y. Bao, Q. Xie, and N. Lan
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development (53(2):263-278) 2016 [doi]
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Editorial – Neural and Computational Modeling of Movement Control
N. Lan, V.C.K. Cheung and S. C. Gandevia
Front. Comput. Neurosci (10:90) 2016 [doi]
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Contribution of Inter-Muscular Synchronization in the Modulation of Tremor Intensity in Parkinson’s Disease
He X,Hao MZ, Wei M, Xiao Q, and Lan, N
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation (12) 2015 [doi]
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Characterization of Evoked Tactile Sensation in Forearm Amputees with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
Guohong Chai, Xiaohong Sui, Si Li, Longwen He, and Ning Lan
Journal of Neural Engineering (12(6): 066002) 2015 [doi]
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Coordinated Alpha and Gamma Control of Muscles and Spindles in Movement and Posture
Li S ,Zhuang C , Hao MZ , He X , Marquez JC , Niu CM , and Lan N
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (9) 2015 [doi]
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Finite Element Modeling of Cutaneous Electrical Stimulation for Sensory Feedback
S. Li, G.H. Chai, X.H. Sui, N. Lan
Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering (English Edition) (23 (4)) 2014 [doi]
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Emulated Muscle Spindle and Spiking Afferents Validates VLSI Neuromorphic Hardware as a Testbed for Sensorimotor Function and Disease
Niu, C. M., Nandyala, S. K., and Sanger, T. D.
Front. Comput. Neurosci. (8, 141) 2014 [doi]
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Vowel Generation for Children with Cerebral Palsy using Myocontrol of a Speech Synthesizer
Niu, C. M., Lee, K., Houde, J. F., and Sanger, T. D.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (8, 1077) 2014 [doi]
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Design and Implementation of a Wearable Body Area Sensor Network for Distributed FES System
Y.J. Xie, X.X. Liu, H.E. Qu* and N. Lan
Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering (English Edition) (23 (4)) 2014 [doi]
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Review on Tactile Sensory Feedback of Prosthetic Hands for the Upper-Limb Amputees by Sensory Afferent Stimulation
G.H. Chai, X.X. Sui, P. Li,X.X. Liu, N. Lan
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) (10.1007/s12204 -009-0501-3) 2014 [doi]
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Effects of Acute Sacral Neuromodulation on Bladder Reflex in Complete Spinal Cord Injury Rats
P. Shi, X.Y. Zhao, and J.W. Wang and N. Lan
Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface (16:583-589) 2013 [doi]
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Corticomuscular Transmission of Tremor Signals by Propriospinal Neurons in Parkinson’s Disease
M.Z. Hao, X. He, Q. Xiao, B. Alstermark and N. Lan
PLOS ONE (8(11)) 2013 [doi]
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Evaluation of Feedforward and Feedback Contributions to Stiffness and Variability in Multi-Joint Arm Control
X He, Y.F. Du and N Lan
IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (21(4):634-647) 2013 [doi]
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